I meant to post this last Sunday, but life happens and here we are.
My home church in PEI is one that celebrates the Advent season by the lighting of the candles in the Advent Wreath. This year I was given the privilege of lighting the first candle of our Advent season and sharing a short reading and reflection on Hope. One of the things that I said was that there is nothing in our humanity that God cannot use to accomplish His purposes. There is no regret, no inadequacy we posses that can disqualify us. We aren't big enough to get in His way.
Jesus came to us as a baby, the most vulnerable a person can be. He grew up, learned to walk and talk, went through puberty, became an adult in the eyes of his community. His humanity was the same as our humanity. The difference is simply that Jesus was also divine. He was completely one with God the Father, and Holy Spirit. His divinity elevated his humanity. And because we have "Christ in (us), the hope of glory" we have the unique ability to be used by Him in this world, in spite of all of our flaws and frailties. The closer we walk with God, the more we listen for and then act upon the leading of Holy Spirit in our lives, the more we can live in that place of elevated humanity. This is the importance of the incarnation in our lives. This is the source and power of our hope. Jesus' humanity did not limit his divinity.
And neither does ours.